Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Landings Up

February shrimp landings in the Gulf of Mexico are up from a year ago. For the entire Gulf of Mexico, 2.9 million-lbs. of shrimp were landed according to data from NOAA. Looking across count sizes, historic highs were seen for U15 count size reaching record levels going back to 2001 with 26-60 and 41-50 having larger amounts for the same time period.

The Southern Shrimp Alliance reported that the monthly haul was the highest total for February in six years and in the top third since 2001. The total represented a 20% increase in the total volume of shrimp landed combined for 2013 and 2014 (2.5 million-lbs.).

The increases were driven by landings in Alabama and Texas. Alabama reported at about 600,000-lbs., the highest total in 15 years, while Texas volume was recorded at 1.3 million-lbs. The gulf states of Mississippi and Louisiana dragged the total down. Mississippi was not included for the third month in a row due to an insufficient number of dealers reporting data. Volume from Louisiana, the fourth lowest recorded for a February, was about 500,000-lbs.

Gulf shrimpers are expected to face lower prices this year with an expected rise in imported shrimp. Imports were down last year due to shrimp being hit by the Early Mortality Syndrome virus.